Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Update June 2014

It has been a while since I have actually written a post about my gap year so I thought I would write an update for anyone who is interested.

First of all, the most important thing I MUST mention (which you probably have heard about already anyway) is my new puppy!! Don't worry, I'm not going to go on a bender talking about her because I do that enough already. (Just in case anyone wants to follow Betsy's journey you can read my mum's new blog ''If dogs could talk'' at www.ifdogscouldtalk2014.blogspot.com ) But I will say that she is the most beautiful and lovable creature I have ever met. So yeah, she's awesome.

Second of all, I started a new job waitressing, again, at the San Antonio hotel at the beginning of may. I lasted a month and decided that it was too tiring being constantly on my feet and then coming home to find I have no mental capacity left to study. So that was the end of that. I have been looking for somewhere that involves sitting down a bit more, like being a cashier or something, but no luck yet.
In the meantime, I've decided to start taking writing more seriously and I'm considering joining Ad Sense with Google. I wasn't sure whether to post snippets of my writing onto my blog - if anyone who reads this could let me know if it's a good idea or not then I would be very grateful!

The temperature here has dramatically risen within the last seven days and my sweat glands were definitely not ready for it although I am very happy that my tan is now returning.

I'm very excited about what the summer has in store for me. As always I'm missing my friends very much (and being very naughty not keeping in touch more often) but now that I'm not out working anymore, I have lots more time to Skype!

Hope everyone is well,

Char x

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