Saturday, June 21, 2014

Summer-style Sadness.

It is 27 degrees Celsius at half past six in the evening. During the day, the sun is unbearably hot. My hair is frizzy and I have uneven tan lines. Then I go to the shops and see perfect looking celebrities in the magazines enjoying their also unbearably hot holidays, I watch television and see perfectly looking models advertising summer wear or make up specifically designed to protect you from the sun. I am getting irritated.
There's been plenty of discussion about the effects the media has on young girls about their weight, their style preference and just their general attitude towards their own body image. I am currently taking a ten minute break from getting ready for a BBQ to write down my frustration with the media today. After exploring different summer styles on Pinterest, the majority of the girls advertising said styles look flawless, their skin sun kissed and their hair down and wavy in that classic summer style. Then I get really wound up when I try to do MY hair and makeup in said style and guess what - I don't look flawless. My hair is sticking out all over the place and I have a really annoying tan line where my sunglasses have been on the bridge of my nose.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to look flawless, nobody is perfect. But what bothers me is that the media pretends that everyone can look perfect and to be honest, I'm starting to be put off by their products because of the perfect looking people advertising them. This is because I know for a fact that the product will NOT have the same effect on me. I would be much more likely to buy something if a less-perfect looking person advertised it. Then the media tries to represent a "real women" who still has flawless skin and perfect hair as a size 10 instead of a size 6. Real women aren't just larger versions of models. They don't always have time to do their make up or style their hair in a complex up-do. Sometimes they get spots and sometimes their eyebrows get a little bushy. Real women don't have enough time to constantly monitor their appearance, measure the length of every hair on their body and keep up with fashion trends.
It also worries me that some girls really do take this stuff seriously. I'm 19 years old but I've got past the I-care-what-other-people-think stage. I don't mind taking the dog for a walk in the clothes I was wearing yesterday, sometimes I wait a little longer than is socially acceptable before I wash my hair and to be quite frank, I'm wearing shorts tonight but my legs are a little prickly. Do I care? No. Do you care? No. Young girls need to realise that no one is watching them or criticising them for their body image because everyone is so worried about themselves, thanks to the delightful, false representations of women created by the media.
So have a little confidence ladies, that's the best style to wear!

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