Saturday, April 26, 2014

In-between believer.

Recently I have been very interested in the show Long Island Medium on TLC. If it wasn't being shown on the television, I would find episodes on YouTube because I have become so addicted to watching this woman who claims to talk to spirits.
Before I started watching the show, I didn't really have an opinion on whether people can actually talk to spirits or not but then this loud, funny and big-hearted lady came along and captured my attention. Having an open space apartment meant that my parents were also aware of this woman and, just like the rest of the world, their opinions were divided. My mum, a woman who has previously been to a medium, was as amazed as I was at the accuracy within her readings. My dad, on the other hand, was as sceptic as ever, refusing to be in the room when the show was on.
I threw myself into the life of Theresa Caputo and even considered going to see a medium myself. It wasn't until this morning when I was looking for her official website that I found a link ''Theresa Caputo: Real or Fake?" Normally when I like something so much, I don't allow myself to be aware of the negativity around it, yet I couldn't stop myself from reading the article. By the end of it, I was heart broken, knowing that I could never watch the show again without doubting everything she says. (Needless to say, I will still watch the show!) The article made general points that applied to every medium out there and I found myself associating those points with specific things that she says during her readings. People were posting comments, begging the author to expose what a phony she is, complaining about how she gains profit through conning innocent people. I disagree. I feel like life is a con. If I was a sales girl in a designer store, I would feel bad about encouraging people to spend an extortionate amount of money on something that should cost 10% of the price shown. Similarly, if I was a bank manager charging ridiculous interest rates - it's a con! We all have to make a profit in life and Theresa Caputo does it the way she knows best.
So let's not be too harsh on these psychics, I really believe that this woman is a genuine person. Regardless of whether or not she actually has "special powers," she provides people with the closure they need to move on and be at peace following the passing of their loved ones.

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