Saturday, March 15, 2014

Re-write myself.

I love writing. The idea of having a successful blog or having my own column in a magazine or newspaper or even (and this is really dreaming big) being an editor of a magazine really appeals to me. When I first started blogging, my first few posts were about things that people could relate to. I used to try writing a post once a week, but that decreased to once a month and before I knew it I was stuck with writers block and I would go months forgetting about my blog.
Then I moved abroad and decided to blog about my gap year. I did this for a few reasons: 1) to keep my  family updated on what I'm up to; 2) so I could remember everything that I got up to on my gap year and  3) to keep up with writing.
But what am I really writing about? Just myself. I never wanted to be one of those writers where every post is about their every movement. Yes, I have to include myself a little when blogging about my gap year but I feel it has become too self-absorbed. Yet, what else do I have to write about? This is a small island and in all honesty (especially at this time of the year) there's not much to do. I want to find the writer I used to be. I want to blog about things that people actually care about.
I need to find something that interests me, something that will keep me inspired and something that I can be creative with. My gap year is about finding myself and this is a part of me that I really want to dive into.

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