Thursday, September 5, 2013

The kindness of strangers.

Don't let anybody fool you that the sun is always shining here in Malta. The current weather is a refreshing change from the blazing sunshine that we've had all summer however I do feel sorry for the holiday makers whose time here is limited. They booked their trip with good faith that the weather would be beautiful.
The weather even managed to fool us. My mother and I decided to go to our local mini market for our daily essentials at which point the rain was falling but not heavily. On paying for our goods, the weather turned nasty and another thunder storm began. We stood and waited for the torrential downpour to pass over but after fifteen minutes, one of the shop assistants offered to drive us home. Living only five minutes away, we didn't think it was worth wasting his time so we declined and braved the rain. We got absolutely drenched and seriously regretted declining his offer! The point of this story is that I want to highlight how friendly everyone is over here. Nothing is too much effort for anyone and the towns are such close knit communities that you can go out for the day and it isn't long before you see a smiling, familiar face.

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