Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Long Holiday.

Normally I'd be home and suffering from severe post holiday blues at this point. Except I'm not, because I'm still here and this beautiful island is no longer a tourist destination for me. It is what my parents like to call 'home'. Don't get me wrong, I love it here, but I am a Yorkshire girl at heart and 'home' can only ever be in my beloved city of Leeds. Despite Malta being my permanent residence, these first few weeks have actually felt like a holiday. The Dolmen regulars (you know who you are) have been and gone and after 2 weeks of sneaking past the woman with the clipboard, I've decided to call it a day and resorted to using the beach. I have to admit, I do still feel like a tourist. I dress like one too...
The one thing helping me to feel like I actually live here are the friendly locals who have taken me into their group like a lost puppy. Despite not knowing what they're talking about 90% of the time (5% is football talk and 5% they swear at each other - yes I've already learnt some of the local lingo) we have a laugh and I appreciate them putting up with me. You will never meet anyone as crazy as the Maltese people. This specific attribute they are particularly proud of!
I'm rapidly approaching my four week mark at which point I will be returning to the UK to see my friends before they all disperse to university and to collect my exam results. This is when my 'holiday' officially ends. When I get back to Malta I'll be job hunting and (much to my dismay) helping out around the apartment. Nevertheless, I will approach it with an open mind - come at me gap year!

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