Thursday, November 6, 2014

From sun, sea and sand to the city life of a student.

I have a long list of work that I should be doing and limited hours to be doing it in but I thought I would take some time to procrastinate... This is what life has become like at university. Living away from home means that I've got so many more distractions and no one to make me sit down and study (although Callum does a pretty good job of taking my phone away and locking me in my room until I get "in the zone"). Regardless, I wouldn't change it for the world! 

Before I came to university I didn't want to get my hopes up and be disappointed so I told myself that whoever I live with will be really messy and we might not click and that I'd probably get really homesick. In reality, although the kitchen occasionally needs a tidy, my flatmates are better than I could ever have imagined. They have become like a second family to me and although I'm missing my parents and Betsy, I haven't really felt homesick at all. My social life has never been better (which is probably why I never get any work done...)

The only thing that has taken some adjusting to is the work load. Taking a gap year meant that I lost the routine of studying and having the motivation to concentrate and although it's getting easier as the term goes on, I still struggle to get work done after 4pm (strange, I know). Saying that, I don't regret my gap year at all. It taught me a lot about my self and it's a year of my life that I will never forget. 

A little high note to finish on: my first published piece of writing is in the Courier newspaper if anyone wants to take a look - there's a web link as they publish it online too. 

If you go to pages 14-15 the article is The Rules of Bitching.

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