Sunday, February 2, 2014

Date night - Saturday 1st February 2014

All my life I've always said I never want to be a housewife. Staying home and cooking and waiting for a man to get home was never my idea of a life. And it still isn't but I have to say that that is what I'm doing right now - and I enjoy it! Of course I'm not actually married and I don't want to be doing this for the next 60 years but tonight I'm cooking and baking for Sean and it feels nice. I look forward to seeing him on an evening and making a fuss. What am I turning into!?

Tonight I'm cooking (with my mum as assistant chef for the tricky stuff) pork chops with potato, Yorkshire puddings, vegetables and gravy, as well as baking a huge love heart shaped chocolate cake because i'm feeling extra soppy...

Top - New Look; Skirt - Miss Selfridge; Shoes - New Look

I also decided to make an effort in my appearance, seen as it's Saturday night. A girl likes to get dressed up!

And to finish the night off, a nice snuggle session on the sofa, catching up on Shameless. 
All in all, a wonderful evening!